Do you lack the time, specific knowledge, and financial resources to develop and construct your power plant for generating electricity from renewable sources, yet you want to have a long-term secure supply and predictable electricity costs in your company?
The solution is to seek out a renewable energy producer and arrange for the direct purchase of electricity. Numerous companies worldwide cover up to 100 percent of their energy needs in this way and are not afraid of rising electricity prices, as these agreements establish a fixed purchase price for electricity over a multi-year period.
The development of PPA contracts is also extremely important to the European Commission, which believes that they should play a central role in Europe’s strategy for achieving the goals of the green plan in the field of renewable energy sources and climate.
Companies in the commercial and industrial sector account for about half of the world’s electricity consumption. Energy-intensive industries, medium and small enterprises, cities, and local authorities are actively researching ways of decarbonization and electrification for their own needs. Given that the energy needs of the industry in Croatia are huge, it is not surprising that this industry has an interest in buying green energy at a pre-agreed price.

The key to the green transition lies precisely in the development of PPA contracts, and that is why RESC, as the holder of the RE-Source platform for Croatia and the region, invites you to major II. Regional Conference RE-Source Croatia Hub 2024, dedicated to the development of PPA contracts.
You probably already know the time and place of the conference – March 15, 2024, at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb.
A novelty of this regional conference is the B2B meetings within the conference itself, for which a separate space is provided. Such meetings offer a unique opportunity for renewable energy buyers and clean energy producers to connect and find potential new partners for collaboration to secure their own energy needs.
The participation fee for the conference is 350.00 Euros (VAT is included in the price).
RESC members have a 20% discounton the fee with a special code.
Registrations are available at the following link: Registration for the II. Regional Conference RE-Source Croatia HUB 2024.
Note: No later than 5 days before the conference, you will receive an email with instructions for downloading the mobile application, through which participant registration is carried out, B2B meetings within the conference are arranged, and other important information is provided.
For any additional information, feel free to contact us at the email address for RESC events: konferencija@oie.hr
The Conference will open Anni Scanlan, policy director of the European RE-Source platform.The Conference will open Anni Scanlan, policy director of the European RE-Source platform.
The introductory presentation at the conference on what the new reform of the electricity market in Europe brings will be presented by the Policy Director of the European umbrella organization for solar energy, SolarPower Europe, Dries Acke. The first panel on the topic of the regulatory framework for electricity purchase contracting will bring together key stakeholders in domestic and international energy. Participation in the discussion on the new Rules for organizing the wholesale electricity market has been confirmed by the director of HROTE, Darjan Budimir, and the regional manager of the company Danske Commodities, Branimir Beljan. The introduction to the second-panel discussion will be given by a presentation on different PPA contract models, which will be presented by Guy Brindley, Market Development Manager at WindEurope – the European umbrella organization for wind energy. Why sign a PPA and what are the key elements of contracting to consider will be the topic of the second panel on different perspectives on contracting the purchase of electricity from RES, led by: the director of ENCRO Tomislav Ćurković, the executive director of E.ON Energija Vladimir Sabo, the director and business consulting leader in SEE for PwC Croatia Mislav Slade-Šilović, and the director of KOER Marko Lasić. The final panel will discuss the role of guarantees of origin within the decarbonization strategy and how this system works. Among others, Szyman Kowalski, Vice President of Re-Source Hub Poland, will speak in more detail about this.
We are looking forward to your arrival!